Rogue River wild and scenic section shuttles

If you are rafting or hiking through the Wild and Scenic Rogue River canyon from Grave Creek to Foster Bar/Illahe, this is your shuttle. We will move your car from the put-in to the take-out or other end of the trail.

  • Prices are dependent on the road we are able to take.
  • WHEN YOU BOOK YOUR SHUTTLE PLEASE SELECT THE DAY YOU LAUNCH ON THE CALENDAR THAT COMES UP.  You will fill in your takeout day later in the process.
  • Please book your shuttle in advance of your trip.  Shuttles booked the day you launch are subject to a $10 fee.
  • Please READ FAQ’s.

Which Route

2. Route

We expect to be running the Coast Route until early May when we can hopefully start going Eden Valley.  On a typical year we can start going bear camp sometime around Memorial Day but based on current snowpack it might end up being earlier in May.

Shuttle FAQ’s


  1. Ideally you book your Rogue River shuttle online ahead of time. 
  2. When booking, choose how to get us a set of your keys. Ideal option is you drop a spare at our place on your way to the trailhead or put-in. You basically need to drive right past our door where we have a key drop box.
  3. At your put-in/trailhead, park your car, lock it, take your keys with you and start hiking or floating. 
  4. We will pick up your vehicle with the key you dropped for us. We will move your vehicle to the other end of the trail or your takeout. We will park your car, leave your keys inside and lock it. When you arrive at your car you use they keys you have to get in and head off on your way. If you only have one key a hide-a-key option is also available.

We have had really good luck wrapping most keys in tinfoil and being able to lock them inside.  I would advise testing this at home first.  You can also buy an RFID blocker on Amazon that should work for this, here is an example:

Yes, please leave your vehicle full on gas.

No problem.  When booking you can choose places on your vehicle to hide your key when you start.  We will find the key, use it and then hide it again for you.

Typically we are driving the coast from mid-Feb when we start shuttles for the year through late April or early May.  We can run shuttles earlier if you have 4 or more vehicles.

Then we are usually driving Eden Valley from late April through Memorial day.  

Bear camp route is typically from Memorial Day on until we stop offering shuttles in mid to late November.

We won’t have any problem moving your vehicle.  

Nope - we regularly drive everything from a Prius to an f-350 with long trailers.  That said the road is steep so if you have an old clutch in your vehicle….

You basically need to drive within 5 yards of our front door to get to the Rogue River.  It is not out of your way.  We have a drop box (the mail slot in our front door) where you can drop keys 24 hours a day if we not open.

Learn about our cancellation policies here:

  • Rogue River Wild and Scenic Section Shuttle

    Rogue River Wild and Scenic Section Shuttle

    Bear Camp – $189

    Eden Valley – $269

    Coast Route – $329

    Taking out at Quosatana Creek - Add $49

    WHEN YOU BOOK YOUR SHUTTLE PLEASE SELECT THE DAY YOU LAUNCH ON THE CALENDAR THAT COMES UP.  You will fill in your takeout day later in the process.

  • Bear Canister

    Bear Canister

    $5 per day

    Using a bear canister is an effective tactic to protect our bears from becoming habituated to human interaction and you protect your food. It is basically the smart AND responsible thing to do if you are hiking the trail. Really, it is not a terrible idea for rafting groups but it should be considered an essential decision for hikers.  You can rent a BearVault 450 or 500 from us and help make sure you keep your food for your trip while also helping to protect our local bears.

    This bear canister rental opportunity is part of a pilot project made possible through a collaboration between Whitewater Cowboys, state and federal agencies, and several non-profit organizations with funding from the Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund. The goal of the pilot project is to reduce conflicts and better protect bears and hikers alike.

  • Airport Pickup/Drop off

    Airport Pickup/Drop off


    Van of up to 12 people for a pickup or drop at the Medford Airport.  Assumes group is ready to go and all together and going to our shop or a Grants Pass area hotel.

  • Guest pickup shuttle at Foster Bar

    Guest pickup shuttle at Foster Bar

    If you would like to have your group picked up in our van and using our trailer at Foster Bar, this is your shuttle.  We can fit up to 12 people and max of 3 rafts.  We meet at Foster Bar for pickup at 1pm. 

    Bear Camp Route - $469

    Eden Valley Route - $599

    Coast Route - $699

  • Drop off people for the Rogue River Canyon

    Drop off people for the Rogue River Canyon

    Have your group meet at our place and we will drive you down to the river or the trailhead.  UP to 12 people.


High Gas Price Surcharge Policy

While Whitewater Cowboys strives to keep rafting as affordable as possible we are forced to respond to the recent high fluctuations in gas prices.  Here is our Sur-charge policies in response to evolving gas prices. Our prices are typically cheaper than pump prices as we get our gas wholesale so just because you pay $5.00 does not mean we do and we base the surcharge off prices to us.

Fee Level 1 - Gas prices are $5.00-$5.49 per gallon from our supplier to us.

Fee Level 2 - Gas prices are $5.50-$5.99 per gallon from our supplier to us.

Foster Bar Car Shuttles

Fee Level 1

Bear Camp Route - $3.30

Eden Valley Route - $5.70 

Coast Route - $10.80


Fee level 2

Bear Camp Route - $6.60

Eden Valley Route - $11.40 

Coast Route - $21.60

Request Information